Are you ready to feel your best everyday?

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Hi, I’m Sara Olivova. I specialize in holistic nutrition, I am a metabolic balance coach and a wellness expert. My mission is teaching people how to use food to balance their bodies and feel their best.

Whether you’re struggling with your weight, slow metabolism or you just want to live a better and healthier life. I am here to help you.

Every one of us is unique and individual in our own body’s requirements. No one plan will work for everyone. That is why it is at the core of everything I do to get to know you, your likes and desires, and your unique body chemistry. To craft you a tailored health management plan to get the most out of your life.

Metabolic Balance

Health Coaching

Bach Essences

Sara Olivova Method

Utilizing long established guidelines put forth by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), I believe in these three basic tenets of Holistic Nutrition.

Primary Food


More than what we put into our mouths and digestive tracts, what we experience in living our lives has more to do with our health than macro and micronutrients (although we will spend plenty of time discussing these as well!) Items like relationships, career choices, activity, creative expression, spirituality and even the organization of our home have a profound effect on our health, disease prevention and longevity. You will work with your health coach to optimize all these components of what we call “the Circle of Life”.

Secondary Food


This is what most people define as “food” and is the focus of most people when thinking about health and vitality. Of course it is essential, and an understanding of macro and micronutrients, sources of vitamins, minerals, how energy is used by the body, and the contribution of nutrition to disease is important to effective health coaching and will be addressed in a personalized manner. There are literally hundreds of diet plans and approaches to food and nutrition out there, and we have access to all of them, and while adapting them to the client’s personal needs, we can come up with a nutritional plan that works for you.



This is a term coined by the good folks at IIN and addresses the fact that primary and secondary food and their effect on health and life are completely variable from individual to individual, which is why a personal health coach is essential for true health. Any plan for continued health must depend on the individual needs and requirements of each person, and those needs can be better delineated and addressed by the person in need when under the guidance of a health coach. It is sometimes said, “One person’s food is another person’s poison.”

What is Metabolic Balance? 

Healthy looks different on everybody 

I encourage you to listen to your body, enjoy a balanced diet filled with whole foods, and be kind to yourself.

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Food Combining 101: Proteins

Food Combining 101: Proteins

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What is Metabolic Balance?

What is Metabolic Balance?

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